Drape It In Linens
Outdated wood paneling can get an instant remodel when draped in linens. Picking beautiful prints and fabrics for curtains can bring the paneled walls up to date.

Throw On A Coat of Paint
Dark Paneling might not be the trend right now, but bright white walls sure are! If you have old, dark paneling in your home, update your look with a fresh coat of white paint.
Re Frame The Windows
Ancient wood paneling often comes with bare window sills. But if you re frame your windows to have a more updated look, you can get away with paneled walls.
Save The Ceiling
There will always be rooms that look better without wood paneling. So by all means, take the panels down. But for a creative touch, leave paneling on the ceiling and coat with fresh paint!
Add New Trim
Instead of ripping out all the wood paneling, add a modern trim around the floor and doorways.
Be Bold!
You’re going to see white washed wooden panels all over Pinterest when you start researching the possibilities for wooden walls. But don’t forget about bold colors! They can really make a great (big) impact on your space.
Cover Them Up
If you’re looking for ways to get rid of the wood paneling, removing the wall material isn’t your only option. You can simply cover wood paneling in drywall. Read this great tutorial for DIY drywalling here!
I found all of my resources (and project inspiration) at each of the following websites and blogs..feel free to head over if you have questions about any of these products.
- http://theletteredcottage.net/guest-my-nest-dutton-waller-cottage-tybee-island-georgia/
- http://www.mywebvalue.net/bathroom/how-to-remodel-wood-paneling-walls/
- http://houserevivals.blogspot.com/2014/02/painting-interior-doors-black.html
- https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=active&biw=1920&bih=925&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=AtZKWvTXMaqM0wKIjJ7ADw&q=wood+paneling+remodel&oq=wood+paneling+remodel&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l3j0i8i30k1.129622.130910.0.131204.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..3.6.974…0i24k1j0i13k1j0i8i13i30k1.0.NRTcLI96XGs#imgrc=0MLwePprYmW5tM:
- http://www.craftaholicsanonymous.net/how-to-update-wood-paneling
- http://howtobuildit.org/2017/12/28/how-to-finish-drywall-without-the-help-of-professionals/