Rainy day? Monday? Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday or Sunday? You’re in luck. Bring yourself and your tin cans, and you’re in business. I’m always looking for something to do with my leftover tin cans. Take a look at these recycled tin can crafts you can make!

Recycled Tin Can Crafts
You can turn them into little dogs! (Martha Stewart)
Make them into cute DIY chimes. (Happy Mrs. C)
Poke some holes and shine some lights. (100 Layer Cake)
Create a candle of radiance and elegance. (Sa Crafters)
Give your kids a fun time with some string and a few rules. (The Mud Pie Makers)
Make an army of animals. (pinterest)
Take those cans to town with a new calling as drums. (Make and Take)
Pain ’em and hang ’em. (Amy)
Make tin can robots! (Melissa)
A hanging garden never looked this good. Tin cans don’t cheapen, they liven! (Kathy)
Repurpose to beautiful birch wedding vases. (Jen)
How about a cool looking rainbow chime? (Cheap Crafting)
Storage units, anyone? (Martha Stewart)
Teacher appreciation gifts. (Kelly)
Baby’s hanging pendant chime. (All You)
So joyful. Hanging garden. (pinterest)
Hairbrush stand! (Creative Imperative)
Craft storage. Surface remodel. (Once Upon Her Dream)
A gift jar! (Thirty Handmade Days)
A cute mother’s day gift (or any other gift) (Sara and Kate)
Material for an art project! (Toddler Approved)
A classic, beautiful buttoned vase. (All You)
Cover the can with twigs for a birch love vase. (Martha Stewart)
An old-fashioned candle case (My Country Blog of This and That)
A beautiful flower tier. (Shelterness)
Hanging candles of love and beauty. (Pinterest)
Warm bread goes in there. How could you go wrong? (Chasing Fireflies)
Cute (and easy to make) little friends! (My Very Educated Mother)
Bedazzled homes for plants. (The 3rs)
Cute hanging plants project. (Gleeful Things)