Spray painting plastic can be intimidating. Since the plastic is able to bend and twist more easily than sturdier materials like metal and wood, it’s very susceptible to cracking and chipping!
Start With An Exceptionally Clean Surface
Remove already chipping paint, gunk, and grime from the plastic surface. These bits being left on will result in paint that lifts and peels. A pressure washer is great for this.
Forget The Primer
When painting plastic with spray paint, primer isn’t necessary. Instead, give the surface a quick sanding with a very fine sand paper.
Give Yourself Distance
Spray the paint from 1 foot away from your project. This will help to give you an even coating of color without the drips.
Fix Texture Mistakes
If your paint dries and it’s textured like an orange peel, sand it down a bit (until the texture is gone) and spray another coat of paint on top of it. Allow to dry completely.
Take Your Time
Spray painting plastic really isn’t tricky. But most DIYer’s find the biggest challenges come when they zip through their project. Allow yourself the time necessary for prepping, painting, and curing and you’ll turn out some excellent projects.