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How to Whiten Grout–FAST!

Whiten Grout, Whiten Grout Lines, Whiten Grout DIY Bathrooms, Whiten Grout Naturally, Home Improvement, Home Improvement Tips

Whiten grout easily with these fast tips and tricks. Grout can get yucky quickly so it’s best to clean it regularly to maintain a white, beautiful line. But if you’re one of the many who can’t seem to squeeze “GROUT CLEANING” into their regular routine (there are many of us out there…) then we’ve got an easy solution for your yearly grout scrubbing spree. Whiten grout today!

It’s likely you’ll have all the required materials at home so start by gathering them up. You’ll need:

Baking soda


Mixing bowl

White vinegar

Spray bottle

Tooth brush

1. Clean tiled surface.

Whiten Grout, Whiten Grout Lines, Whiten Grout DIY Bathrooms, Whiten Grout Naturally, Home Improvement, Home Improvement Tips

2. Make a paste with baking powder and water. The consistency should be similar to pancake batter.

Whiten Grout, Whiten Grout Lines, Whiten Grout DIY Bathrooms, Whiten Grout Naturally, Home Improvement, Home Improvement Tips

3. Apply a thick layer of paste (⅛ inch) to the grout. Let the paste sit for 5 minutes. Spray all grout covered in baking soda paste with white vinegar using your spray bottle. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes again.

Whiten Grout, Whiten Grout Lines, Whiten Grout DIY Bathrooms, Whiten Grout Naturally, Home Improvement, Home Improvement Tips

4. Scrub every inch of grout with your toothbrush. Some might recommend a wire brush, sandpaper, or more abrasive scrubbing tools. These might be useful if you have very stained grout but be careful to watch for any damaged or weak grout that may come loose from too much scrubbing.

Whiten Grout, Whiten Grout Lines, Whiten Grout DIY Bathrooms, Whiten Grout Naturally, Home Improvement, Home Improvement Tips

5.  Clean baking soda mixture off of tiled surface. Repeat these cleaning steps on any sections of grout that need extra attention.

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